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Selectmen Minutes 07/11/2006
Chichester Board of Selectmen
July 11, 2006

Present:  Chairman Stephen MacCleery, Selectman Richard De Bold, Selectman David Colbert, Holly MacCleery, Secretary.  Chairman MacCleery opened the meeting at
7:02 PM.

Building Inspector – Mr. David Paveglio stated that Matt Crannell showed up at his home last evening requesting a building permit for living quarters.  Mr. Crannell said he had received a letter from the Selectmen and needed a permit.  The BI told him that he would be attending the BOS meeting to clarify this request.  Heather Evans & Matt Crannell have received a letter from the BOS requesting them to set up a meeting with the board to discuss the matter.
Also Mr. Paveglio received a letter from Office of Energy & Planning which suggested that our building permits ask the question about the dwelling being in the flood plain.  Selectman DeBold will follow up with the requests in their letter and report to the Planning Board.

Fire Department – Fire Chief Mike Paveglio fielded many calls about the use of fireworks over 4th of July weekend.  At this time the town does not have an ordinance pertaining to fireworks.  Chief Paveglio was still not convinced that we needed to go to Town Meeting to adopt a fireworks ordinance.  Chairman MacCleery suggested that the Fire Chief list exact questions that need to be asked about a fireworks ordinance to be addressed by town council.
911 street addressing needs to be done.  Chief Paveglio will contact the person in charge of this task.

Highway Department – Road Agent David Kenneally said he was ahead of schedule with the ditching project.  He has received calls about flowers that are planted on the town’s side of the stonewalls, will they be preserved?  Selectmen Colbert & DeBold felt the water problem and runoff needed to be addressed.  Selectman MacCleery suggested that the landowner should be contacted before any major landscaping is disturbed.  Selectman MacCleery noted that on Lane Road there is ditching, a driveway, and then ditching.  If culverts aren’t in the driveways what good is the ditching?  Mr. Kenneally stated that the landowners will have to be talked to about putting in driveway culverts.  It was suggested that records need to be kept if a landowner is contacted about driveway permits and paving.  One paving company does contact the RA when they are doing driveways in town.
Pertaining to Hillsboro Ford, Grappone Ford was going to send a letter to the RA but he has not received it yet.  He will contact them again tomorrow.  
The sanders have been washed once, but need to be oiled.
One bridge has been washed but there are two big bridges that need to be done as well.  Depot Road bridge has a lot of dirt on the approaches that need to be addressed.
Mr. Kenneally has contacted Mr. Vaillancourt about FEMA flood money.  They are very busy and have appointed a new person to evaluate the situation.  The RA spent a lot of time with him concerning the Perry Brook bridge/culvert project on Swiggey Brook Rd.
It was reported that Webster Mills Road was closed for bridge repairs which the RA was not notified about.  The police and fire departments were not notified as well.  CLD Engineering has done what they should have.  They were waiting for Merrill Construction’s request before starting the project and closing the road.  CLD will be on site tomorrow morning.  The Epsom FD is covering that end of town while the road is closed.
The RA also reported that a “driveway” with a bridge is being put in on Short Falls Road without the RA being informed the project had started.
Lou Barker, resident on Hillview Drive, has a concern with his driveway and the ditching that has been done.  He said that the silt build up is quite extensive.  He is also concerned with the depth of the hole beside his driveway.  He was told that the road is not completed yet and that they have only ditched down to the original pipe that was put in when the road was first built.  The pipe sits 18” below the height of the road.  The RA will go out to the Barker property tomorrow.
Garvins Hill will be ditched; dig safe needs to be contacted.

Police Department – Police Chief Patrick Clarke reported that Officer Jeff Miller has left for Iraq.  
Mr. Steed has received a letter from the county attorney, which he signed for, pertaining to his case.  He has also received his property back from the Boston PD.
Paving will be done on Route 4 and the PD will be doing detail.
Selectman Colbert has a concern with the amount of traffic on King Road with the road being closed to thru traffic due to bridge work in Loudon and the races this weekend.  The PD has spoken with Loudon and alternate routes have been discussed.  It was suggested that cones and signs be put at the Route 4 end of King Road.  Selectman DeBold will call District V to see if a lighted sign could be put at the end of the road stating it is closed to thru traffic.
The Selectmen were asked about a letter to Fish & Game authorizing the BOS to enter into a contract.  They will ask Erin to locate the letter that was reviewed on 6/27/06.

Donna Chagnon – Ditch in front of their house on Horse Corner Road will be fixed by the state in the fall.

Mr. Aznive – He informed the BOS that the Hartley’s went to the PB about the piece of property they are going to purchase from him which abuts their property on Route 28.  The PB is recommending a boundary line change.  There is already a recorded plan; no new lot is being created.  Selectmen DeBold stated that the PB requires a boundary line survey to be done.  Selectman MacCleery said the lot line adjustment has been done but the deeds have not been drawn up.  A letter to the PB needs to be sent stating that there is an approved plat with the line adjustment and the Hartley’s don’t need to go before the PB again on this issue.  The deed issue is a matter between the two landowners.  The plan was approved and signed by Stan Brehm on 7/2/87 for Map 9 Lot 91.

Selectman DeBold informed the board that he went to DES, subsurface dept. concerning Mr. Cavacco and the 6-8 permanent sites he wants to have at his campground.  Mr. Cavacco was sent a letter from DES in Feb. 2006 stating he needs to file and work with them, would need to do a subdivision, a septic system would need to be designed or attached to an existing system.  Selectman DeBold has a copy of the letter sent to Mr. Cavacco from DES.  Recreational facilities are not year round according to our current zoning.  Mr. Cavacco currently has permission for a recreational campground.  The town cannot expand trailer parks.  Mr. Cavacco needs to work with DES, file applications, and upgrade his septic system.  The BOS will send a letter to Mr. Cavacco about the letter he received from DES.
Also, Selectman DeBold met with the DES Wetlands Inspector who stated that they hadn’t looked at the town’s application yet.  He was told that the BOS needs to file a waiver with DES because of the property line of Mr. Cavacco being within 20’ of the dam removal project.  Selectman DeBold drafted a letter requesting said waiver which the BOS signed.
There has been a question about the town organization committee that was voted on at town meeting.  Why hasn’t it been established?  The BOS agreed that a second letter should be sent to the residents that expressed an interest in this committee.  Selectman DeBold will draft a letter to the organizational members for the BOS to review next week.
It was also reported that PB member Mike Stamowlaros has resigned.  BOS will need to fill the vacancy.  

Minutes from 6/27/06 were approved, signed and posted.  Checks were signed, e-mails and correspondence were reviewed.  Six applications for the Administrative Assistant position were reviewed and Erin will set up interviews for July 18th.

Meeting adjourned at 10:00 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Holly MacCleery, Secretary

Chairman, Stephen MacCleery

David Colbert

Richard DeBold